(A) What is Disinformation
Building Block A
EAVI (n.d.a). Beyond 'fake news': 10 types of misleading news. Retrieved from https://eavi.eu/beyond-fake-news-10-types-misleading-info/. Available in Dutch and Spanish.
Pictures from EAVI (n.d.a) ‘Beyond ‘fake news’’
- EAVI (n.d.a). Beyond 'fake news': 10 types of misleading news. Retrieved from https://eavi.eu/beyond-fake-news-10-types-misleading-info/.
- EAVI (n.d.b). Beyond the headlines: The online news verification game. Retrieved from https://eavi.eu/beyond-headlines-online-news-verification-game/.
- European Commission (n.d.). Tackling coronavirus disinformation. Retrieved from https://ec.europa.eu/info/live-work-travel-eu/coronavirus-response/fighting-disinformation/tackling-coronavirus-disinformation_en
- Imedial (2020). Identify and respond positively to fake news. Retrieved from https://imedial.erasmus.site/identify-respond-positively-fake-news/
- Matthews, J. (2019). How fake news gets into our minds, and what you can do to resist it. op https://theconversation.com/how-fake-news-gets-into-our-minds-and-what-you-can-do-to-resist-it-114921.