Notícies i novetats
Informació actualizada sobre SMILES
Start recruitment teachers and librarians in the Netherlands
Call: teachers and librarians wanted for train-the-trainer and workshops on fake news
Are you a teacher or librarian and do you want to make young people more resilient against disinformation and fake news? Then join the international media literacy project SMILES. In this project, librarians and teachers use new methods to increase their knowledge and skills in recognizing and combating fake news. With this expertise they can help young people between the ages of 12 and 15. This process is carried out in schools and libraries in the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain.
With the SMILES project (Innovative Methods for Media & Information Literacy Education involving Schools and Libraries), awarded by the European Union, 3 European countries are joining forces to develop new methods for media and information literacy. In the Netherlands, the KB, Sound and Vision and the Hague University of Applied Sciences are involved in the development and implementation of this process.
Phases of the trajectory
The first phase of the project, the preliminary investigation, has now been completed. In the follow-up process, workshops on fake news and training courses for workshop providers will be developed according to the train-the-trainer method. This resulted in a manual and a digital toolkit for the process.
Train the trainer
The training is aimed at teachers and librarians working with secondary education, with basic skills around digital learning and digital literacy. They are trained to become workshop providers in a two-day training course. With the acquired knowledge and skills, they provide the developed workshops on disinformation and fake news at their own school. Teachers and librarians work together in the training and implementation of these workshops. As additional support, a guide and digital toolkit are made available. The training is expected to take place in July-September 2022.
In the workshops young people learn to critically reflect on the news they are presented with, in order to recognize and refute misinformation and fake news. This also includes the results and recommendations from the preliminary study. The workshops are aimed at young people in the lower years of VMBO and HAVO, with extra attention for vulnerable pupils. The workshops will be conducted at least twice in the period October-November 2022 in a group of at least 20 students at 5 schools. The wish is that libraries and schools will continue to work together in this area after these workshops.
Impact measurement
The effects of the workshops are extensively measured and analysed. Attention is also paid to possible differences between education systems and cultures in the participating countries. The participating teachers, librarians and students participate in this impact measurement. They give permission for the use of their data.
Librarians and educators who participate increase their knowledge and skills in digital learning, disinformation and fake news. Interested in participating? Send your motivation letter (maximum 1 A4) to Marleen Wijnen no later than March 1, 2022. The KB selects 10 teachers and 10 librarians from the applications. They will be notified in March. By submitting a motivation letter you agree to the following criteria:
- The school and the library have a demonstrable vision and existing policy in the field of digital literacy for young people and are already working together in this regard;
- The school provides the ICT facilities necessary for the implementation of the workshops;
- The school and library are prepared to allocate their own resources to participate in the project;
- The participating teacher and librarian work in the school and the library in the school years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023.
Contribution from SMILES
The training, workshops, guide, digital toolkit and impact measurement are available free of charge to the participating schools and libraries. At the end of the trajectory, the material can be used for other groups of students at their own school and ultimately also outside it. The results of the impact measurement at the institutional level are shared with the participating teachers, librarians, students and partners within SMILES.
More information
Andrea Berkelder : andrea.berkelder(at)
Marjolein Oomes : marjolein.oomes(at)
National Library of the Netherlands (Koninklijke Bibliotheek, KB). 17 January 2022.